How To Optimize Your Medical Billing & Collections

How To Optimize Your Medical Billing & Collections

According to a survey this year, independent medical practices leave 25-30% money on the table. Medical Billing has seen serious advancements in the past decade, with cutting edge technology now available to optimize each aspect of your medical billing and coding, however the results are far from satisfactory. One big reason for this disappointment is the failure on the part of the medical billing service providers to align focus with the financial goals of the healthcare practice.

Cosentus is a leading provider of optimized medical billing services for independent medical practices. According to us a fully optimized healthcare revenue cycle management process, needs to have these 6 basic elements as an integral part.

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6 Tips to Optimize Medical Billing for Maximized Collections

If your practice has not been meeting the financial goals, chances are your revenue cycle management needs fine tuning. Cosentus offers a FREE comprehensive analysis of your billing and coding. visit our website to sign up in less than 60 seconds. Or click the link below.

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We would love to hear from you about some of your revenue cycle management challenges. If you are disappointed with one or more aspects of your billing or collections, or are not able to meet the financial goals for your practice, talk to a Cosentus representative today. We have helped many independent medical practices achieve their goals and turn around the fortunes of their business. You worked really hard to provide best medical care to your patient, and you deserve to be reimbursed accordingly.

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